Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Bag Lady

Yes, I know, I should be working right now.

Since I am a WAHM (work at home mom), I am blessed (I think) to have the kids home all day. While Daddy takes them out for lots of activities during the day so that I can attempt to get my work done. Most of the time its nice to have the kids pop into my office to tell me what they are doing.

Right now, I am now listening to the most exciting conference call! There was just a knock on my door and since I am have nothing to say or really contribute on this conference call, I opened the door.

It's Daddy and Katie. Katie is eating a brownie. Mind you, we finished the brownies I made on Sunday (today is Wednesday).

Mommy: What are you eating?

Katie (with a big smile): A brownie

Mommy: Where did you get a brownie?

Katie: In my PURSE!!!

Oh my, we have a bag lady living in our house!

P.S. The purse in question is a red striped bag from Grammy's trip to the Longenberger (sp) factory. Mommy used it for awhile, but somehow it became the Princess' favorite. She calls it "my Striped Purse" and carries it pretty much everywhere.

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