Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April Supper Club

We try to meet up with our friends once a month for dinner. Everyone brings a dish and its a party! There are 12 adults and 17 children from age 10 down to 13 months. Its a great time for all.
Here are some photos:

Anna enjoyed her dinner!

Katie in pigtails.

Brady swiped my Pepsi.

Katie and Anna on the swing.

Some of the gang.

Matthew, Patrick and Jon.

The Batman Store

We were on our way to Publix the other day. Brady said we are going to the Batman store. When I asked him what you can buy at the Batman store he said "you know, supergum and super sandwiches." When I asked him what kind of sandwiches, he said "actually Mommy, they are out of sandwiches because Batman ate them all." I am still stunned that he said "ACTUALLY" in a sentence.


We were sitting on the couch and there was a soccer game on TV.

Katie: "Daddy, are you on the red team or blue team?"

Daddy: "Red team. What team are you on?"

Katie: "I want to be on the red team like you Daddy! Will you throw me the ball?"

Mommy: "Katie, in soccer you have to kick the ball, not throw it."

Katie (rolling her eyes): "Mommy, Daddy can only throw the ball to me because I am fragile."

I think we have told her brother too many times to stop jumping and sitting on his sister because she is "fragile".

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ribs with Mimi & Papa

As you can tell, we REALLY like Ribs!

After dinner, Brady and Katie received their birthday scooters from Mimi and Papa. We had to wait til Katie's platelets were back to normal before they could ride them

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Better Late Than Never.....

Birthday Photos...

We had a party at Pump it Up while Grammy was in town on March 22nd. In addition, we had a little party at the house with Rick and Lorrie and Papa. Enjoy....

I'm a Pirate!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Katie's Spots

As you know, Katie was diagnosed with ITP recently and spent some time in the hospital from April 1-4th. It was a scary time for Daddy and I, especially when the L word was mentioned multiple times.

I have to say how proud we were of her while she was stuck at the hospital for those 4 days being poked and prodded. She had a port taped to her hand the entire time as well. On the first morning in the hospital, she found a shopping cart in the playroom and claimed it as her own. She walked that shopping cart up and down the hallways and outside every chance she got. She was a source of a lot of smiles and we believe that she brought some sunshine to some of the other patients and employees as well.

We are grateful for all the support we received from friends and family while in the hospital. We are so blessed to have the support system that we have. We are forever grateful.

She had her first blood on Monday and hope to have the results on her platelets in the next few days. We really hope they are high enough for her to be able to go back to the park.

Of course, I can't leave Brady out of the photo op. Here you go!

Things We Say

That's BEESGUSTING! (That's disgusting)

SAMALI (Salami)

Brady: "I need to sweetie my Sweetie" (I need to pet my dog Bailie)

Katie: "I am talking to my Princesses!! (I am talking on my play cell phone)

With her purse, shopping cart and wearing flip flops: "I am going to work like Mommy" I never thought I took a shopping cart to work!

As an airplane flies over our head Brady asks "Mommy, is that YOUR Hairplane?"

Brady: "Mommy, I want something for eat (or drink)."

"Please blow my window down" (Roll my window down)

After a loud noise that startles her Katie says: "Ouch! That hurts my feelings!"

Brady and Katie singing: "Hal la lu, Hal la lu, Hal la lu LA, Crazy the Lord!"


Well, Brady and Katie are three now. I can't believe my little ones are walking, talking pre-schoolers!

I decided to start this blog to keep track of some of the funny things they say and do as well as keep a photo record of some of our favorite photos.
